
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Welcome To My Home

***photo by Kim Butler Photography***

Well here it first blog post ever! According to the blogging workshop in which I have participated, this is my blogging home. Since I am sure there are three people zillions of people who are dying to read all about my random thoughts, I was thinking that this first post would be a great time to tell you all a little about me.

My name is Ginny. Get it "Gin and Juicy Juice". I am totally not a drunk, but there are only so many plays on words that I could come up with and since I am a mom to a small child, it seemed appropriate.

I live on a small cattle farm in Central Indiana with my Husband Andy and 1 year old daughter Preslee. We are extremely close with our families and for that, I am completely grateful! I am a mommy, daughter, sister and sister in law. I take all of those roles to heart and try to be the best I can be at all of them!

I love diet coke, all The Real Housewives series, animals, clothes, shoes, and shopping for Preslee! I HATE alarm clocks, dishonesty, people who abuse and animals and that stupid Bizarre Foods show that Andy wants to watch 24/7.

Andy shows cattle and I am the official fashion director and poop scooper at all cattle shows. I didn't grow up in the show cattle community, but I love it!  I have a horse that I showed ALOT before having our daughter. Since Preslee entered the picture, horse shows have been put on the back burner. I am looking forward to the day that I get to cover that kid in sparkles and put her on a horse! I promise to not be a whacky horse show mom! So far, the kid has shown way more interest in the spring horse in the house than the real thing...but mommy can dream!

My plan for this blog is a place to share stories from our family, our farm and our lives. I hope you enjoy and I look foward to sharing our craziness with you!


  1. Yay! Welcome to the blogosphere! Looking forward to your posts!!!

  2. Welcome to the blog world. Great work but watch out. It is addictive.

  3. Welcome to the blogosphere! So glad your pics loaded:)

    Can't wait to see more.
